Who’s Your Candidate for Vice President?
Here’s my vote on the who the VP candidates look like depending on nominations for the top seat.
THE ASSES (giddy-giggle)
If Billary wins:
Bill Richardson: He’s not threatening, “feels” Caucasian but is actually Hispanic – a big benefit for attracting both middle-upper class whites as well as the growing Hispanic voter segment which Hillary will need to win in 2008.
It will NOT be:
Barack O'bama: A woman president AND a black Vice President? Hmm..I’m not sure this country is ready for such diversity in the white house. We talk a big game but in reality, we’re still fairly conservative compared with our European counterparts. Besides, are they even on friendly terms still? Last thing this country needs is the President and Vice President duking it out between the ropes while deciding the fate of the nation between rounds…
John Edwards: Although I think this would be a winning ticket, Edwards isn't likely to give up his very solid shot at the top seat.
If Edwards wins:
Barack O’bama: What does he bring? Polling Diversity. Plain and simple. I don’t think O’bama can bring much else to the table. Sorry folks.
Bill Richardson: I think Bill Richardson, generally speaking, is a solid choice for any of the democratic presidential candidates. He brings diversity and middle-of-the road politics that balances out the extreme of Hillary and the clean-cut preppy look of Edwards.
It will NOT be:
Hillary Clinton: for the same reasons John Edwards won’t be her VP
If Guiliani wins (which I think he will):
Mike Huckabee: We all know his chances for winning the big seat are slim[mer] (some prefer non-existent) but he’s a strong candidate for the second seat particularly for Guiliani who’s weighing in a little on the light side when it comes to winning favor from the “right side” (Christian-base et al)
Mitt Romney: Not my favorite by far but he just might pull in the right base that Guiliani is missing. That and he's much better looking than Huckabee. ;-)
Fred Thompson: The least likely of the three. Frankly, I think his campaign is sorely lacking and if it doesn't pick-up soon, he'll go down quickly and quietly.
It will NOT be:
John McCain: They both tend to lose favor with the same crowd so a Guiliani/McCain ticket doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me. That said, I don’t think McCain – coming in third at this point – would be willing to cede his nomination as the republican candidate for president.
Since I think strongly that Guiliani will win the Republican nomination, I won't bother posting any other candidate options. Sadly, lack of strong options is our biggest problem.