The Next Carter Presidency?
Things have been a zoo lately between work and school. But, Tuesday night I turned in my final paper and presentation and have the next two weeks off. Yippee!!
So anyway, I was in line at the local 7-11 the other day and overheard a couple of younger guys (mid 20’s) talking about the elections. **Oooh goody** My ears perked and I couldn’t help but inch my way closer for an opportunity to nudge my way into the conversation. I couldn’t really hear what they were talking about specifically but I heard the name McCain and thought, yea! My day was going slowly so why not get my political groove-on and talk-up the McMan.
Well, ixnay that; turns out they were impassioned Obama supporters.
He’s a visionary, they say, and he speaks for the people.
** Really? Hmm. They’re young; it’s OK. **
Newsweek calls him an “Inspirational and brilliant” leader who will lead us to “a new America”…..
** I never liked Newsweek anyway.**
Now few can argue the “awe-inspiring” success of such a brilliant campaign; even I can pay homage to that. But good marketing and presentation skills – a good President does not make. I was just a tot when Jimmy Carter was president (and in fact was born on the very day he won the election), and while he may have been a “nice guy” who wooed the people, if I weren’t such a charmingly, delightful individual – I’m sure my father, who at the time was a staunch republican - would disown me simply on association. That says a lot.
Would an Obama Presidency be another Carter Presidency? I don’t know but I’ve heard the comparison. Two smooth-talking, man-of-the-people people with zero experience, and zero political accomplishments going into the White House. For Obama, that combination may make for something different than what Carter suffered – by most accounts a failed Presidency crippled by enormously high interest rates, double-digit inflation, high unemployment, low productivity, expensive oil, gas shortage, and turtle slow economic growth (oh and wide spread labor strikes, a ballooned deficit, a weaker defense, and failed arms talks). Carter’s inexperience was his weakness which made him a prime target; countries and other world leaders took advantage. By many accounts the people took advantage too. So what if he created the sister DOE’s and was a “nice guy” a President, Commander-In-Chief, and the most powerful man in the world - he was a complete dudd.
Obama a visioniary? I don’t think so; in fact I think that’s an extremely bold and arrogant statement. But whatever. Anyone in the businessworld will tell you that vision without collaboration and strong execution gets you nowhere. To many degrees it really is all about execution, execution, execution. So, what are we doing with Obama? If this were a business and the people it's Board of Directors - what BOD would ever hire a CEO who just got promoted to Senior Analyst simply because he talks about the future of business?? If you’re a believer – then he’s a man with “vision” but with no evidence to support any notion that he has the ability, tenacity or political finesse to effectively execute anything. He's a senior Analyst who has yet to be promoted to management level.
Carter was a Senior Analyst. Do we really want another Carter in the WH - where inexperience, oratory skills and schmoozing are the order of the day? Obviously, we cannot afford it.
So I don’t get it - the whole Obama train. It’s just one big question mark in my head.
Will someone please explain it to me...