May 24, 2007

What If...

What if you were an omnipotent being. What would you do with all the non-ends of your days? According to true christian belief, only if you believe that Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior will you go to Heaven. It's not a matter of being "good" in your life or necessarily how you live your life. It's a requirement. But is it really?

While my dad and I have very different opinions on the subject of religion, I agree with his take: requiring mankind to believe is vanity and of human implementation. And as I've recently discovered, asking the question makes for some interesting debate. I engaged a friend of mine in a most hearty discussion with the following scenario.

If you are an omnipotent being with all the powers of the universe - life might be kind of boring. Wouldn't it be fun to idle your time away by playing a funny little game - create man, let chaos abound, then send your “other self” in the form of man and give the little people a few thousand years to believe you really exist. Feed them controlled bits of information and at the end of it all, if you don't believe - screw you. If you do believe, well then maybe you get a prize - but it's not what you think.

Unfortunately he's religious and it only led to a spattering of heated arguments about religion, Christianity, god and the whole lot. But I still think it's a fun scenario to ponder...Besides, who said an omnipotent being was compassionate?

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