December 12, 2007

How to Effectively De-motivate Your Employees

So I get these weekly newsletters from BNET online - a sort of “go-to” place for management & strategy stuff (trends, whitepapers, etc.). Usually the content takes on a more serious tone and some of it is interesting read but today’s video of the day is just too comedic not to pass on.

It’s a de-motivational video tutorial created by Despair, Inc. – a company devoted to offering satirical management advice and demotivational products for the pessimists, underachievers, and chronically unsuccessfull worker-bees of the world.

AT DESPAIR, INC., we believe motivational products create unrealistic expectations, raising hopes only to dash them. That's why we created our soul-crushingly depressing Demotivators® designs, so you can skip the delusions that motivational products induce and head straight for the disappointments that follow!
Spend some time navigating the website. It is hi-LAR-ious.

For an exceptionally funny read: check out their FAQ's section here.

Funny BNET Videos of the Day:

"Battle Bureaucracy with Fake Crises and Caffeine"

If your company is at all established and successful, it's probably already become a bloated, uninspiring workplace. Here's how to take back your company by over-caffeinating your workers, limiting their contact with the outside world, and teaching them that the need for "fairness" is petty and weak.

"Problem Employees? It's Not You, It's Them"

Dr. Kersten shows how to manage three types of problem employees. Whether you're dealing with the "perpetually offended employee," the "aggrieved superstar," or the "egomaniac," the answer is simple: they need to be grateful for what they have.


Dan said...

Very funny! They did a great job of sucking me in with their earnestness. I think it was 2 minutes into the clips before I was sure that it was irony!

Thanks for sharing.

ashi.kacheria said...

Motivating your employees is a tough thing to do.
And it is an art, a good corporate gift can do wonder. blogs on various corporate gifting strategies. Do check it out and comment your feedback.