Calling Out Super Tuesday
My voting predictions for Super Tuesday are listed below but first, I’ll digress briefly on another subject. There’s been a lot of debate lately as to which candidate will win the Republican nomination and which candidate is best positioned to take us to the WH. My vote – while a deviation from my earlier posts – is that the McMan can, and will, win both. I thought his nomination for the party would be shut down by the far right – enough to kill his bid and I thought he would have difficulty in the general elections with left leaning liberals and everyone to the right of the conservative moderate.
So my opinion with respect to his chances – obviously - has done a complete 180. Call me fickle.
Now will I vote for McCain? As yet undecided. Generally speaking, I like McCain better than Romney but I'm having difficulty getting past some of his more liberal positions on issues where my views are most conservative. For months now I've been struggling between two voting paths and I'm hoping that at some point lightning will strike and I'll know which way to go. Question is: Do I vote for the candidate that most reflects my conservative values (which, at this point is Romney) or do I vote for the candidate that has the best chance of putting a Republican in the White House...?
AAHHHHH. Dilemma.
Here’s my thinking on Romney: Perhaps in 2012 Romney will have a name and an image strong enough that people – conservative and liberal – will feel comfortable with what he stands for. Knowing exactly where your future President stands on key issues is critical to winning over moderate voters and independents. It's precisely why GWB won - whether you count the first time around or the second. Maybe you liked him..maybe you didn't, you may or may not have agreed with his politics but in the end, a lot of people felt comfort in the fact that they just knew where he sat on every issue. The Bush brand image was a strong one. For Romney though, there was a lot of confusion that surrounded a good chunk of his campaign and a lot of that quickly evolved into a profound dislike of the man - even after the confusion passed-over. And I think those sentiments lingered just long enough to kill his chances here. In another four years maybe he’ll have better luck with folks on both sides of the isle similarly to the way McCain's image has evolved with general voters since campaigning against George Jr. back in 02.
With Romney out of the picture for '08, that leaves us with the McMan. If he wins the Republican nomination, I just hope he’s wise enough (and Republican enough) to elect a running mate who will serve to strengthen the conservative platform, not dilute it-- further.
With that said, here are my turnout predictions…
New Jersey
New York
Mitt Romney
Connecticut The independent vote will make it a close draw between McCain & Romney
Illinois A strong union state; Pro-growth policies & economic issues will position Mitt for a win
North Dakota
West Virginia
Mike Huckabee
Arkansas Eventhough he's really out of the running - the guy's gotta win his own state
I think I got all the Republican primary states but if I missed one lemme know.
did you see the ca republican debate on wed night? The “Mcman” was inarticulate and tripping over himself in his verbal rhetoric, not to mention inanely repetitive over so minor an issue that Romney was for an exit timetable in Iraq when it was clear that he was quoted out of context. the old dog is tired and reaching for invisible strings. after an awful, awful debate ca will go to mitt. if he can't find something worthwhile to argue about and state his positions clearly and articulately mccain will lose all his states to mitt and huck which is fine by me since neither one can win the popular vote anyway
I finally caught it on a youtube video last night. Sadly, I am in complete agreement with you over McCain's performance and pretty much decided after the Romney time-table debacle that I will vote for either Romney or Huckabee - 95% sure it will be Romney (though I don't think he has an ass chance in hell of winning against Billary or 'Bama!). Aside from being a liberal-leaning Republican, I just can't in good conscience vote for a man who so easily loses sight of the big picture whilst drowning himself in the technicalities of differing opinion that are, at the end of the day, minor and insignificant. Any small measure of support I had for McCain went right down the toilet after seeing Wedneday night's debate.
Oh and frankly, I’m beyond tired of hearing ‘my experience as a military leader’ as his answer to everything.
Why do you think you’re qualified to lead this country?
“because I served successfully as a leader in the armed forces and stood my grounds on Iraq and refused to give a timetable for exit..”
Why do you think you’d be the best person to help manage and strengthen the economy?
“because I was a leader in the armed forces…and I stood my grounds on Iraq and refused to give a timetable for exit...”
Why do you support amnesty for Illegal Aliens?
“because I was a leader in the…wait, what was the question?”
Deanna: you flip-flopped!
Dear Flip-Flopper, :-D
Pretty good predictions, although I think you're a little heavy on the Mittenman and a bit light with the Huckster.
BTW, you forgot Montana and Colorado!!! I don't think flowers will cut it this time. My picks for these two states:
*Colorado - McCain (Delegates JM:19, MR:15, MH:9)
*Montana - McCain
I'll differ with you on these states:
*Alaska - a nominal Huckabee win (with a roughly even split of delegates)
*Connecticut - McCain and not even close
*Tennessee - Huckabee, barely (with a roughly even split of delegates)
*West Virginia - Huckabee
I will quibble with you on these states:
*Alabama - McCain wins with Huckabee close behind and splitting the delegates
*Georgia - essentially a three-way tie in the delegate counts
*Illinois - McCain-Romney tie splitting most of the delegates.
When it is all said and done, I think McCain will pull in ~660 delegates on Tuesday, Romney will be waaaay behind with ~170 delegates, and Huckabee will be right behind him (but broke) with ~160 delegates.
Montana is listed as a McCain state and I didn't forget CO - i just mistakenly thought it was after Super Tuesday.
RE: Colorado, I see McCain taking it as well but on a close race. CO is a very conservative bible belt state; He'll be relying heavily on the veteran vote and moderates from Denver since the rest of the state is short on independents and home of the theo-cons.
My bad on Montana (the unique alphabetization threw me :-P).
I think Colorado is a caucus state; do you have class that night?
Yes(!) I have class Tuesday night. Blasted. I probably won't get home until 11pm.
You say you were not sure because of McCain's liberal positions on a few things. I just don't understand why liberal positions coming from a Republican would even get them the light of day? We have liberals running on the other side. McCain panders to the liberals typically before he even gives the Republicans a second thought. Also he is radical on Global Warming. Do we want this when our economy is down?
An apt question and one that I’ve toiled over a few times myself. He has a moderate conservative voting record on a broad range of issues but they don't take center stage to his stance on immigration and tax-cutting.
That said, I think that his military service and background have been more of an influence on my leanings than I’d like to admit because I come from a long line of military servicemen. And given our current candidate options I also have to ask myself if I’d rather prefer a liberal Republican in the White House who surrounds himself with a conservative staff, or a Democrat?
If for example McCain had someone like Giuliani or Lieberman for VP I'd shit bricks, really. On the other hand if he had a Romney or a Huckabee (except for his immigration policies) on top of a more conservative cabinet - as a conservative, that would make me much happier. And it’s on that note that I haven’t withdrawn any support for McCain’s candidacy.
I don’t see Huckabee winning the Republican nomination and I don’t see Romney winning the general election. But I don’t want a Democrat in the White House either.
It’s a tough deal, really.
I would brag about kicking your little tushy on this, except I forgot California!!!!! That is soooo bad - worse than you forgetting Colorado.
Yes, Dan...much to my chagrin (and surprise) you did call 'em pretty darn close. My hats off you to you! Although, I cannot believe you forgot CA.
At least I just moved to CO - You've lived in CA long?
What a ninny...
If I understand you correctly,Romney is the guy with the strongest position against illegal immigration (other than Ron Paul). So why did he air his campaign add in Spanish?
So are you suggesting that all Spanish-speaking people are illegal??
Hmmm. no comment
No, but I'm a weenie-liberal. I thought republicans didn't believe in nuance - it's somewhere in the platform. :-P
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