10 Reasons Why Conservatives Should Vote for McCain
In response to an anti-McCain article posted by fellow conservative and blogger David K. Fuller [20 Reasons not to vote for Juan McAmnesty] – I’ve put together my list of 10 reasons why Conservatives should vote for McCain during the general elections. I think the 10 below are far more substantive than the 20 anti-reasons listed.
As I said on another blog post – McCain isn’t a Republican ideologue but he is a conservative – albeit moderate/slightly left of moderate – but a conservative none-the-less. Now that Mitt Romney is out of the running McCain will have my support and I simply can’t justify conservatives voting for Hillary or Obama over McCain. Some conservative folk I talk to, who don’t like any of the candidates, have just decided that they’ll stay home this year. And that, I think, is just stupid and un-patriotic. Obivously they’re communists. Note to anyone who falls in this category: you are part of the process and therefore should partake in the process!
Top 10 Reasons why Conservatives should support McCain:
1. He is the BEST candidate to serve as Commander-In-Chief
2. McCain will serve as a non-partisan leader when dire situations call for such a leader Fact: No matter how many times we hear the candidates talk of change and we listen, in awe, to their visionary strategies for fixing immigration, healthcare, Social Security and blah, blah, blah,….this is the reality people – the power of the presidency is a limp d*ck without the support of congress. The presidency can wield the veto pen to block legislature, but that accomplishes nothing in the way of progress. We need a leader with a proven track record of bringing together conservatives AND liberals to lay the foundation of change on issues that matter most to the future of this county.3. Consistently, over the last decade, McCain supported in favor of free enterprise, limited government, and free markets Nearly 100% OF THE TIME – more than any other Democrat or Republican.
4. Over Hillary Or Barack – Mccain Has A FAR MORE FAVORABLE Record Voting For Pro-Business/Pro-Growth Initiatives As a conservative,I’d prefer a President elect who is more to the right on these issues but when compared with the only other two viable candidates – I’ll take the one who’s most to the right.
5. His IS A Fiscal Conservative He may have voted against the Bush tax cuts [much to my chagrin] but his voting record in favor of tax cutting legislation is nearly 70% higher than Clinton or Obama on average over the last 15-20 years. Compared with other more mainstream conservatives, he’s turned away from the tradition of supporting earmarks and pork-barrel spending, and he's been given consistently high marks over the last decade, by the non-partisan Concord Coalition for his stance on fiscal responsibility while fighting to preserve the security of Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security.
6. Mccain WILL Run A Conservative Presidency This is conjecture of course but I believe he will select a conservative cabinet and a more conservative running mate along the lines of Huckabee or, the ideal, Newt Gingrich. Bringing on Newt would make a great balance for a President who is a conservative though slightly left of moderate.
7. His POW-background IS a compelling one for a future leader Think of what he had to endure during those 51/2 years; and he still came out the victor. I’ll also note that the nonsense I’ve seen posted about McCain being a traitor is not only absolutely ridiculous, but so many of the quotes supposedly pulled from his book – are taken completely out of context, for the sole purpose of pushing an agenda – Ron Paul’s agenda. Here's some pro-McCain propaganda for you but I LIKE IT.
8. McCain is well-liked by the mainstream media While this may be enough to turn conservatives into fits of rage, you have to consider the fact that many people in America still rely on them for their news and information. In order to win, the successful candidate must gain the support of that middle third of Americans that pay little to no attention to politics other than at election time.
**Note: I pulled this from the rightwingnews blog site because I think it’s a valid point that will serve as a positive for his presidency.9. Abiding anything Ann Coulter says about McCain, which she says not to sway conservative votes but to promote her next book, is absolute lunacy since we know that much of what she has said over the last few years has increasingly reached the level of conservative gibberish on crack.
10. Even if you don't believe in or agree with the notion he has conservative principles...so be it. The fact remains John McCain IS FAR MORE CONSERVATIVE than his competitors and if you call yourself a conservative, by principle, you should vote for John McCain.
One last thing...on the issueof McCain-Feinglod - while I heartily disagree with it, I'll note that NO OTHER Congressman has actually attempted to repeal McCain-Feingold. So you can blame the creation of such stupid legislation on McCain but from a non-support perspective, dole out the accountability where accountability is deserved - and that goes to Democrats and Republicans alike.
Why does John McCain spend every day trying to convince us that he is a conservative? Most conservatives don't have to do that.I agree with you that he is now our best choice with him being the only person left. I have said before that I wouldn't vote for a Marxist but I am not going to be a cheerleader for McCain either. I will vote for McCain because I have no other choice, but McCain has done nothing in his past record to deserve my vote. I feel defeated by having to make this choice as my leader. Another point I want make. I believe you stated that McCain is favored by the main stream media. They picked him because he has a faulty record (in the view of conservatives) and will be very easy to beat in the
general elections. I am predicting 4 years of Socialist leadership.
Why does John McCain spend every day trying to convince us that he is a conservative?
My opinion: bad campaign management. McCain thought the hype would blow over and he didn't defend his conservative record early on and he's paying the price for it now. Obviously, he's taken a very liberal stance on some issue that are key to many Republicans but he should have focused on his conservative positions across the broad Republican platform.
Good points, all. Before yesterday, I thought most rank-and-file republicans liked McCain, and it was just the blathering heads who had problems with him. But now...
BTW, I noticed that Fred finally worked up the energy to click the "send" button on his McCain endorsement.
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