A Sinking GOP
Just a few years ago, I was telling college students that the problem with the Democratic party is that…there is no true party. Eight years ago, the Democratic party brand was in shambles. It had no solid ideology to spout, no real platform, dissent ran amuck throughout the party, and there was no strength in leadership.
Suddenly, today’s Republican Party has landed itself where the democrats were 8 years ago: lacking a coherent vision that resonates with ordinary voters and weighed down by ideological bankruptcy. States are turning blue, pulpit religion seems to be finding its way into a lot of party conversations, the party as a whole feels demoralized and beaten, and strong party leaders are non-existent. I’m not sure I could even name a solid top 5. And if I could, no folks, Sarah Palin would not be on that list.
Briefly on Sarah Palin: let’s face it; Palin energized the Party base – no joke. But here’s the reality: we were so desperate to reinvigorate a lifeless party, to bring youth to our ideas and our image, that we blinded ourselves to what can be classically characterized as a woman who is just plain air-headed. We scorn Obama for his down–right idiot behavior in recent months (as well we should), but can we honestly say Palin would have given a better representation – as VP or possibly as President. EH. No. And yet we wanted that November win so badly (and just as badly we wanted the Democrats to fall with a thunderous THUMP), that we ignored the obvious to get there.
Many of us know what it means to live, breathe and “be” Republican, but there seem to be a lot more who just don’t get it. What has happened to our party since the Reagan days? Republican politicians tout Reagan's name to invigorate skeptical voters *and we within the party love hearing his name*, but Reagan was last President in 1989. What does that say about our party when the last great conservative leader we quote was leading twenty years ago??? Are we even still the same party that Reagan loved so much? Certainly not; we just use his name.
George W. Bush's popularity pretty much tanked our overall image, but there’s no denying the fact that there’s a lot more going on in the GOP that is responsible for its decline. Anyone who says otherwise would probably vote Palin for President in 2012. *you know who you are*
What we need to do
We need to rebuild the Republican brand. We need to rebuild from the local level and let the revolution spread upward and outward. I’ve seen it start here in the Springs – a lot of togetherness and discussion. Let’s spread the passion and renew the party.
The party has to do a better job of communicating, in plain English, what our policies mean to the people here at home. The awesomeness of our ideals hasn’t changed, but younger generations don’t seem to get us. We need to do a better job of saying: This is what we believe, this is why we believe it, and this is what it means to you; for reasons a, b, and c…this is how our “vision” impacts you. Simply saying what you believe and pointing at the other guy isn’t enough – not today. The future of the party isn’t the older generation who remember what the party used to be, but the young folks coming out of college who will make it what it needs to become. And from young to old, left to right, people need to understand the connection between policy and personal impact.
And finally,
The party has to be above bitterness and anger. It seems that so many conservatives these days are more interested in spewing pure hatred for leftist ideologies that they refuse to engage in real intellectual conversations on the issues. And I’m not saying the left doesn’t do this either but who cares what they’re doing. Whatever it is…they’re doing it better than we are. And if there’s something to really be angry about, let’s start there.
Welcome back. I don't think the party is ideologically bankrupt, but I can see how you got there. We definitely need to pull our shit together if we want any chance in 2012. I say out with the old and in with the new. We need to start moving the younger generation up through the party. Give 'em a speed pass! We pick one young super star per state, put 'em to work and see how they do. I'm frustrated and tired of watching these old farts battle it out on CSPAN. It's very uninspiring. We 'youth-anize' or we're stuck with Obama for another 4 years. Chriiist.
LOL, and calling Obama and his admin "idiots" is a great example of "spewing pure hatred". Thank you for that, too funny. I completely agree with your assessment of your party. Unless and until your talking heads stop berating everyone that opposes their positions, and until they bring intelligent alternatives to the negotiating table, the Rep party will continue to deteriorate (They should listen to Obama's Notre Dame speech - twice). I hope your party does come back strong, as we need a two-party system for balance obviously. For the record, yes, I'll admit that I have said such things myself...I think most Rep officials are idiots, Bush being the biggest by far. I think Pelosi is an idiot, too, quite frankly. But we Dems won so it's okay if we do it.
You're a great writer D, keep it coming!
Oh come on, "idiot" is a fairly mild term and besides, this all came not too long after the whole NYC photo op that caused a 9-11 panic. Let's be honest if you want to claim idiot things the administration should know not to do - that was definitely one of them! Plus...Geithner, Pelosi, Dodd, the whole lot..they've had their genius moments. Bush and his administration had them too but uh...I'm not living in the past lol.
And you're right, we haven't been putting out solutions. Our mode of handling issues these days has been fairly self-defeating.
Thank you for the compliment :-)
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