October 22, 2007

Who's Your Presidential Candidate?

Okay - here's another fun little political test (thanks Aunt Pattie). Based on your responses, the results will show how closely your positions line-up with all of the presidential candidates (both democrat and republican) on hot-button platform issues. It's a short test (11 questions); Obvliously not comprehensive but interesting.

Click on the following link for the test:

My results: Mitt Romney was my closest match (a bit of a surprise). I knew of course it would be a republican but I expected him to fall farther down the list. How many times has he changed his position? I consider Romney to be a political "side-winder" so he won't definitely won't get my vote. But the good news: Obama was third to last. *Whew. Can wipe the brow*


Dan said...

Before the quiz, who did you expect?
Who were your other top matches and how far apart were their scores?

Deanna Shaw said...

Hm. I didn't expect any one particular individual (since I'm still going back and forth between candidates and still learning about others). I thought Fred Thompson or pherpahs Guiliani might be closer matches (on varied issues) but they both fell to about 5 or 6 on the list. I'm also a little wary of how the 'not important' to 'important' factors into the scoring.

I believe my other top matches were Hunter and Gilmore - they were just a couple of match points lower. I recall Biden being in there somewhere as well - total surprise.

Who were your top 3? Are they candidates you've seriously considered? Like I said, eventhough my positions more closely matched Romneys - I don't like his politics and feel he's changed his stance on several positions so he wouldn't get my vote.

Dan said...

The quiz was a good intro, but it misses the nuances. Often I would have been happy with two or three of the choices; as a result, some of the "disagreements" that showed up were more like quibbling.

The score difference between my top 3 was a whopping 1 point! I was surprised to see Dodd in the top three, probably because I had paid him absolutely no attention. The top Repuke was Brownback - also a surprise.

Deanna Shaw said...

The top "Repuke"? Nice. That's a new one!


haha ;-)

Dan said...

Well the R candidates are a rather unappealing group. In my view, Brownback and Huckabee are the best -- albeit not good -- choices from the field, but neither has any realistic shot at the nomination. The leaders are crazy/mean (Giuliani), lazy (Thompson), or seem to have no convictions and will say whatever they think you want to hear (Romney & McCain).

Dan said...

hmm -- just re-did the quiz and altered some of the answers (where I thought there were multiple good choices) and get a completely different top 3! The results look like a reshuffling of the top 6; Edwards is now at the lists' top. Huckabee is the top R, although his score is now in the Gravel/Kucinich range.

Tonight I may channel a crazy person and retake the test. :-)

Anonymous said...

the reapers do not have a chance. brownback is supposed to withdraw. huckabee will never get the votes. mccain is too much of an anti-republican republican for the right wing. giuliani is not mean (or crazy), he is practical and real but he will never get the votes because of his personal background.

-obamas following will give hillary the votes she needs to win
-edwards will cede his nomination
-edwards will join the clinton ticket as vp
-hillary and edwards will win

a bloodbath for the gop.

Deanna Shaw said...

(Sadly) I agree. Clinton(Billary)/Edwards will be the winning ticket. Guiliani will not win because he is too far to the left for the conservative base and lacks foreign policy experience.

I also took the test multiple times and my top 5 candidates varied depending on how I rated level of importance. Out of curiosity, which candidate would you vote for today?

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised that you think the dems will win in 2008. Where's your conservative loyalty? Hillary instills too much of a love/hate relationship with mainstream swing voters adn while she might be a front-runner for the dem ticket - this country is not ready for a woman president (as much as we may publically support the idea). And no I'm not sexist ladies. I don't think Edwards will accept a VP seat, his chances as a front runner are too solid and will he'll gain ground as O'bama shrinks in popularity.

Who do YOU see as front runner candidates for the GOP?

Dan said...

Agreed, it doesn't look good for the Rs now, but there is a lot of time left. Plenty of time for the Democrats to snatch defeat from jaws of victory.

Dan said...

If I were voting today, I'd pull the lever for Clinton. I have looked (and am looking) for another alternative, I would like to not like her; but the thing is, when I listen to the candidates speak (either party), she is clearly the best qualified. She speaks intelligently on the issues: domestic, foreign, military. And while she talks about her policy ideas, she spends more time talking about why the issues are important and how they relate to our lives. I find her the most competent, and after the cluster-f**k we've been living through, competence is my most important evaluation criteria.

Deanna Shaw said...

Ahem..I did not say the democrats would win. I agreed that the winning ticket for democrats would be a Clinton/Edwards ticket.

As for Republicans: Thompson-McCain-Huckabee. Possible GOP tickets (Huckabee/McCain, Huckabee/Thompson). The benefit that Huckabee has is that he only has upward momentum to get his message out. Other candidates went out too early and now they're fading quickly. McCain could never win the presidency but he's strong enough (and strong enough with the republicans and conservative democrats) to gain acceptance for the vice-presidency. But, I agree with Dan there is still a lot of time left and we won't really know who the front runners are for the GOP until spring of 08.

Right now I'm just watching, and waiting for the democrats to "snatch defeat from [the] jaws of victory" :-)

Dan said...

Put down the crack-pipe and step away from the table!!!

It's one thing to like a niche candidate like Huckabee, to dream of a "perfect" world; but to believe that he will be the front runner is purely delusional.

And another thing young lady... Doubling your poll numbers when you're at 2% is not momentum, it's statistical noise! Your marketing side is overwhelming your analytic side. ;-)

Deanna Shaw said...

Hahaaa. Yea ok, maybe.

Yes he's only at 5% and maybe won't get the funding he needs to make it to the last round. But look, at some point the GOP has to ask the most important question: who can beat Billary? Once O'bama cedes his candidacy, a lot of his voters will NOT go to Hillary. The only two republican candidates who, in my opinion, have a real chance of capturing black and left-leaning swing voters are Guiliani and Huckabee. Even though Guiliani is leading the current GOP primary voter polls, I don't think he can win the GOP nomination. He's too dark, too liberal and carries too much baggage. Kerry popped up out of nowhere after Dean flopped during the last election and rose very quickly in the voter rankings. Granted, the dems didn't have a whole lot of options but that strikingly resembles the republican selection of candidates at this point. On top of that, Huckabee has been coming in first or second in many individual swing-state polls or either tying or beating McCain in debate polls.

It's a longshot and yes, maybe all this "poli-typing" has got me far-reaching for the underdog. But I think with more marketing mavens on his side and some heavy-hit funding, things could really turn around for him. I'm not counting him out at this point.